Kens Buy Sell and Trade
- Main Activity: Best Jewelry stores in Vacaville Ca
Vacaville Ca
CA - 338 Merchant St Vacaville CA
95688 - 707 447 8718
- Vacaville Ca
Kens Buy Sell and Trade, 338 Merchant St Vacaville CA, Vacaville Ca - Best Jewelry stores in Vacaville CaKens Buy Sell and Trade - business info:
We make your dream and hers come true! Whether you are searching for diamond, gold or pearl jewellery from a particular decade or would like to customize a piece of jewellery, our jeweller can assist you. We are a family of educators, not salespeople.
Jewellery catalogue - offers
We specialize in original jewellery, custom design, engagement rings, wedding rings, anniversary rings. Find the perfect ring within a tight timeframe. Specialties: jewellery, watches, gems, custom made orders, repair, diamonds, gold, silver, platinum.Contact:
Call us at the phone number: 707 447 8718 or visit our website: or contact us at email:
Welcome to Kens Buy Sell and Trade
We look forward to helping you soon. Come visit us today! You will not be disappointed. We invites you to visit us at our showroom.For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list,
if not listed on our site, get info contact Kens Buy Sell and Trade.