Angels Oro
- Main Activity: Best Jewelry stores in Oakland Ca
Oakland Ca
CA - 3300 International Blvd Oakland CA
94601 - 510 534 2895
- Oakland Ca
Angels Oro, 3300 International Blvd Oakland CA, Oakland Ca - Best Jewelry stores in Oakland CaAngels Oro - business info:
When you visit, expect more gorgeous rings than you have ever seen in one place. Our attention to detail, exceptional craftsmanship and personal relationships with our clients is what we are known for. We pride ourselves in building relationships for the long term.
Jewellery catalogue - offers
jewellery is committed to providing top quality jewellery and diamonds at outstanding prices. In addition to that we have an entire line of finished jewellery to cater to most any needs. Whether you are shopping for a gift or something just for you, we specialize in independent designer jewellery, custom made jewellery, bridal jewellery, handbags and fashion accessories.Contact:
Call us at the phone number: 510 534 2895 or visit our website: or contact us at email:
Welcome to Angels Oro
With a comfortable, private shopping experience, we make it easy to find the perfect ring. Shop for your friends and family in one place. We are here for all the big moments of your life: from your engagement, wedding, first child & beyond.For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list,
if not listed on our site, get info contact Angels Oro.