Exotical Hawaiian Apparel
- Main Activity: Best Jewelry stores in Downey Ca
Downey Ca
CA - 8136 Firestone Blvd Downey CA
90241 - 562 869 0575
- Downey Ca
Exotical Hawaiian Apparel, 8136 Firestone Blvd Downey CA, Downey Ca - Best Jewelry stores in Downey CaExotical Hawaiian Apparel - business info:
You can count on our expert jewellry professional to offer you some absolutely fantastic products that you will want to buy right away. Our talented, knowledgeable staff listens to you and helps you find the exact piece you are looking for. Our staff is very experienced, knowledgeable and friendly.
Jewellery catalogue - offers
Find sterling silver, gold and rose gold necklaces to wear with everything you wear today and everything you want to wear tomorrow. Engagement rings, Watches, Diamonds, Necklaces, Pendants, Bracelets, Rings, Charms, Accessories, Sunglasses, Leather, jewellery repair, jewellery cleaning. We sell an array of fashion gifts, bracelets, necklaces, pearls, jade.Contact:
Call us at the phone number: 562 869 0575 or visit our website: or contact us at email:
Welcome to Exotical Hawaiian Apparel
Unique and competitively priced ! Come see our one of a kind specially made pieces. We invites you to visit us at our showroom.For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list,
if not listed on our site, get info contact Exotical Hawaiian Apparel.