Shine Jewelry
- Main Activity: Best Jewelry stores in Burbank Ca
Burbank Ca
CA - 116 E Alameda Ave Burbank CA
91502 - 818 556 5025
- Burbank Ca
Shine Jewelry, 116 E Alameda Ave Burbank CA, Burbank Ca - Best Jewelry stores in Burbank CaShine Jewelry - business info:
We seek to do good beyond the material, creating a community that empowers and supports others. We also design and create one of a kind jewellery incorporating the customer s ideas and traditions. We have an amazing group of team members in every shop.
Jewellery catalogue - offers
We carry a wide range of jewels, rings, and accessories from world famous manufacturers. Come visit your jewellery shop in Dubai today. Custom handcrafted wedding bands and engagement rings!Contact:
Call us at the phone number: 818 556 5025 or visit our website: or contact us at email:
Welcome to Shine Jewelry
Our main priority is to provide the best possible customer service ever to our clients. Come browse our shop and see what jewellery shop has to offer! We invite you to come by and try on any of our items in person or view our entire collection
For additional information, services, prices, products, opening hours, catalog, pricing, sales, price list,
if not listed on our site, get info contact Shine Jewelry.